Harrowing Times

Growing older, for me and my Soul dog buddy Sophie, certainly comes bearing challenges of late. Within the past couple of weeks I have had to potentially need two biopsies (dodged both as conditions did not turn out to likely warrant those) resulting in my being on steroids for a gum condition and on watch over a cyst that I was able to clear but is refilling…all of this preceding the major event of Sophie’s cataract surgery in two days, which I have been preparing for in every way I can think of, as I will basically be camping out at the house with her and our cat friend Emily for at least the 2-3 weeks Sophie will be in a cone.

Harrowing times, perhaps winnowing times of purification spiritually, indeed.

I have been trying to proceed through each of these and other recent physically fraught passages with as much grace as I have been able to muster.  One step at a time.  Carrying trust and asking for inner guidance and protection that all of this can resolve for the better. Hoping this turns out to be mainly a (late) mid-life checkpoint for proceeding onward more healthy and stronger for the longer road ahead.

Pivotal turning points mark significant rites of passage from one stage of life to another, usually higher stage.  Such initiatory sorts of passages often require multiple rites of transition before reintegration, or a successful transformation of consciousness, may be achieved. Rites of passage in general are recognized anthropologically as life crisis events.  Birth—or rebirth, from one state of being to a more mature or a more responsible state—can be a difficult passage but it is inherently positive and meaningful.

images are from pixabay.com

Renewal is what is at stake as we step into the crucible of deliverance with clear and humble resolve.  Shedding old or outmoded habits or patterns in favor of embracing healthier attitudes or behaviors empowers personal growth or wisdom even when we might not be guaranteed the most successful outcomes we aim to achieve.

As Joseph Campbell would remind, we must be willing to take the Journey even into the Void, with confidence that every difficult passage has a potential for reemergence at a higher, more refined or enlightened level of beingness or awareness.

Better Endings to All!  With love and gratitude…

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